Every month for my regular job, I put together an activity "newsletter." It's centered around information to create positive, educational, and beneficial activities for adults with developmental disabilities...but it's fun for anyone to read, and all of these ideas could be used in the classroom, the home, or many other places! I've been meaning to share them with all of you for quite some time and just didn't do it until now. So here to go along with my last post, is more information and ideas for you to use during the month of September.
September is...
Classical Music Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, Fall Hat Month, International Square Dancing Month, National Piano Month, Chicken Month, and Self Improvement Month!
Mud Facial Recipe -September 30 (NOTE: Please only use for hands, not face)
This recipe is an at-home facial made from natural ingredients and is best suited for oily skin types. You'll need 1 tablespoon of Clay or Fuller's earth mud (don't worry, you'll see these readily at your local health food store), 1 egg yolk, ¼ of an avocado, mashed, and enough witch hazel essence to create a smooth consistency. Mix all the ingredients together until well-blended. Apply evenly on the skin and allow to dry. Rinse off with water when done.
Did You Know? -September 19
Oktoberfest is a sixteen-day festival held each year in Munich, Germany during late September (and running to early October). It is one of the most famous events in Germany and the world's largest fair, with some six million people attending every year, and is an enjoyable event with an important part of Bavarian culture. (Wikipedia)
Oktoberfest is a sixteen-day festival held each year in Munich, Germany during late September (and running to early October). It is one of the most famous events in Germany and the world's largest fair, with some six million people attending every year, and is an enjoyable event with an important part of Bavarian culture. (Wikipedia)
Make Your Own Play-Doh Recipe -September 16
1 c. flour
1 c. water
1/2 c. salt
2 tbsp. cream of tartar
1 tbsp. oil
Food Coloring
Mix together, cook on low temperature stirring constantly. Cook until it is "slick" and moves away from edge of pan. Cool. Keep sealed in Ziplock bag.
Things you can use this activity for…
1) Math skills 2) Cooking skills 3) Fine Motor skills (mixing) 4) Practice following directions 5) Practice making choices (color) 6) Cause and Effect 7) Touch, Taste, and Smell senses (don’t encourage actual eating!) 8) Science (mixing colors) 9) Art (sculpting)
Food Coloring
Mix together, cook on low temperature stirring constantly. Cook until it is "slick" and moves away from edge of pan. Cool. Keep sealed in Ziplock bag.
Things you can use this activity for…
1) Math skills 2) Cooking skills 3) Fine Motor skills (mixing) 4) Practice following directions 5) Practice making choices (color) 6) Cause and Effect 7) Touch, Taste, and Smell senses (don’t encourage actual eating!) 8) Science (mixing colors) 9) Art (sculpting)
Different Types of “Punch’s” -September 20
1) The drink. Mix up and enjoy different punch recipes (must be sugar free and okayed by Rachel first). What’s in the different varieties? How does each one taste or look different? Which is your favorite?
2) The action. What and when is it okay to punch something/someone? Why? How does it feel to punch something? Have each person make a punching bag or pillow to take home, filled with rice/beans/cotton.
3) A tool. Bring a variety of paper punches in for people to use and decorate something with. Scrapbooking punches offer many different shapes.
Swap Ideas Day -September 10
Plan a “planning” activity! Get all of your staff and consumers together with a big calendar and ideas for activities for the following month. Discuss and choose activities (or ideas that you’ll need to develop later) for each day. You never know what creative and engaging ideas might come about! Have you ever asked the consumers what they like to do, or the other staff what strengths and talents they have that might allow for new activities? Incorporate pictures to represent each activity for those who can’t read.
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