- Updates for this page coming soon!
Upcoming Giveaways and/or Reviews:
- Updates for this page coming soon!
Upcoming Events:
Do you have or know of a product that would fit the theme of any of our upcoming events? Email Rachel at lifemoresimply@yahoo.com to let me know! Each event will feature product reviews and giveaways, so be sure to contact me in enough time to conduct a proper review of the featured item. :-)
Organize My House!
Join the party to organize your house in only 6-weeks' time. We'll be offering encouragement and detailed instruction to help you get your home in order without losing your mind or having to get up at 3am to shine your sink. Each week will feature goals and instruction to get a specific part of your home organized as well as product reviews and giveaways to help you even more. Say hello to a peaceful, clutter-free house!
A Christmas To Remember
All of November will be featuring an entourage of product reviews and giveaways to help you find something for everyone on your Christmas list! No points to earn prizes, just lots of contests to enter and win things through. :-)
One Hot Mama
With the holidays over, it's time to get in shape for real! This event will be open to ALL women, not just mothers and will run for 12-weeks. It will feature weekly goals, instruction, product reviews, and giveaways. You'll want to sign up and compete to win fabulous prizes--and walk away with a leaner, meaner, hotter, healthier body!
Want to see YOUR product on Life More Simply?
Life More Simply is interested in reviewing/giving away/featuring items that have to do with families and simple living. This includes but is not limited to eco-friendly products, things for the home, outdoors, music, crafting, photography, organizing, cleaning, marriage, EMS/medical, Therapeutic, Montessori, Christianity, fitness, and anything for infants and toddlers.
We list our giveaways at the following places: