When I was pregnant with Amara, I listened to hours and hours of music geared towards babies. What did I find? That the quality of music for infants and small children is terrible in the US! Poor melody lines, off key singing, fake sounding instrumentals, and boring harmony sums up what I heard. Eventually, I resorted to making my own mixed CD's. I came up with "relaxing" and "upbeat" CDs consisting of instrumental, vocal, traditional, classical, fun, and good quality engaging music for my little one. I've determined that the problem with children's music is that there's nothing saying that a musician is the person who should design and perform the pieces. Similar to many children's books with poor illustrations, we have not required by way of our money (the number of sold albums speaks!) that the music industry delivers quality music to our children.
But alas, there may be hope...Last month, I received Kenny Loggins' "all join in" CD to review. It's advertised as a children's CD, but I found it to be engaging for the entire family and I caught myself listening to it multiple times when I was alone. :-) This is always a good sign! Skeptical, of course, I first listened with a critical ear to the melodies, harmonies, rhythms, vocals, lyrics, and polyphonies presented by Loggins. I was impressed to find upbeat, interesting music that was well put together with a nice flow. In fact, my only suggestion for improvement would be for Loggins to enunciate more clearly for the children listening to understand more easily (and maybe a new hairstyle and make up job for himself...).
This is really a fabulous CD for families, and I'm really pleased to tell you that I've been given a link to share with you that will allow you to download four MP3 songs from this album for free!
Directions: click on the link here and listen to four samples of songs from the album all join in. When you're done, you'll need to answer a few quick questions about your reaction to the music. An email will then be sent to you with a link to download four FREE digital songs from the album. Easy as pie and totally free!
Be blessed.

Wow! what a neat blog! Just wanted to say hi!