Tuesday, April 13, 2010

5 Minutes for Mom's 2010 Ultimate Blog Party

Ultimate Blog Party 2010

A friend of mine and I recently commented on the competitive nature of "mommy blogs." Instead of supporting each other through links, comments, and blog posts, a lot of bloggers tend to stalk but not interact with other blogs. Forget sharing information or PR friendly company info! It's too bad, but I suppose that's the nature of the beast. 5 Minutes for Mom is doing something cool though to help unite bloggers (and NOT just the "mommy" ones!) through the 2010 Ultimate Blog Party.

Here's how it works:
1) You don't need to have a blog. WHAT?! Yes, that's right.
2) You comment on a post at 5 Minutes for Mom, visit other participating blogs, and sport a button...then you'll not only be making lots of new friends and discovering some great writers, but you'll be entered to win a whole ton of FABULOUS prizes, too!

Check out the full instructions here.

I'm a 25-year-old full time working mama of a toddler and pregnant with another kiddo due in 11 weeks (yes, my children will be 20-months apart). I do have a husband, and I even like him. :-) Other interesting things about me include that I grew up in a family of 8 girls and only one bathroom, I make more money at my Paramedic job than I do my regular job utilizing my B.S. degree, and I still don't bring home enough to pay the bills so we rely on my blog and frugal, green living (like cloth diapers, making our own "stuff", and reusing things) to make the ends meet. Somehow it always works out. Last week, my husband got a job (after 2 years of searching--sheesh!), so I am now excitedly working on plans to become a part time working mama. Aside from work, I like to play, snuggle with my daughter, be outside when it's warm, and dream big dreams.

The top three prizes that I REALLLLLY want to win through the Blog Party are:
1) US1 Toshiba Laptop, viewable at http://www.5minutesformom.com/18002/win-a-toshiba-laptop-at-the-ultimate-blog-party-2010/. Duh, who wouldn't want this. It would be very helpful to me as I begin my work-at-home journey!

2) US39 A night’s stay for a family at a Hilton Garden Inn http://hiltongardeninn1.hilton.com/en_US/gi/index.do Winning this would actually give me a make-shift BabyMoon! Wow, that would be soooooo relaxing and fun right now...even if I'd only be 20-minutes from my home. :-)

3) US69 The Itty-Bitty Bookworm curriculum (Bailey)! Oh, how I want this from http://www.ittybittybookworm.com/. I've been watching this pre-school curriculum for months now, wishing I had it for my daughter who will be 18-months-old at the end of this month (really? Is she THAT old?).

4) USC60 $200 gift certificate from Wall Slicks at http://www.modernwallgraphics.com/blogs/. We're currently re-doing a LOT of our home and I love vinyl wall clings so this would make me happy. :-)

And if I don't win any of those but someone wants to give me something anyway, I would love to receive in this order: US13, or the other Restaurants.com GC, US3, US75, US10, US67, any of the Target/VISA/Amazon cards, any of the tutu's, or US20. Hooray for Christmas in April!

Go get involved--you only have a few days left!


  1. Hi! Nice to meet you! Great post... Congrats to you on your new bundle of joy and your hubby's new job!!!

    Hope you stop by my blog and enjoy!


  2. hopping over from UBP. i have 4 children with #2 and #3 18 months apart and #3 and #4 22 months apart. i see nothing wrong with the spacing of your babies. congrats!

  3. Welcome to the party !

    You can check out my post here if you'd like !


  4. Neat! I should go check this out...

  5. Stopping by from UBP! Great baby blog! Don't have a little one right now but will be hoping for a 3rd sometime soon! I'm going to enter all your giveaways tonight!
    Come on over to my party and also check out my baby finds!

  6. PS I totally stalk your blog... but that's because I like you and I'm interested in what you have to say. ;-)

  7. Thank you so much for the mention on your blog! Good luck in the contest and I hope you win some Wall Slicks! Please check out my blog party here #UBP10:

  8. Hi there! Niki here, stopping over from UBP10. I just wanted to pop in and check out your post. Love it.

    Stop by my blog, Free 2 Be Frugal, when you get a chance! I have a great giveaway going on:


  9. Found your blog - UBP! This has been great to find fun blogs. I love the idea of living more simply. http://christiwilliams.blogspot.com/

  10. Just stopping by to say hi. I like your blog. Hope you are having a great party. Stop by and visit me. I am hosting a giveaway; all I need is a comment.

  11. Just stopping by to say hi. I like your blog. Hope you are having a great party. Stop by and visit me. I am hosting a giveaway; all I need is a comment.

  12. hi,
    thanks for stopping by my blog! UBP is fun. hope you win some prizes!


  13. Thanks for the comment on my blog!! I am a medic in the Army and love seeing other working moms!! Glad you found me and I will be following you now!!

  14. Stopping by from UBP10, thanks so much for commenting on mine and congrats on the new bundle soon to come! I'm a new follower!


incredibly interesting comments!