Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Big Happenings

Exciting things!

March 20th is officially the first day of Spring, so Rita's Italian Ice is giving away free ice in celebration of it! Mark your calendars now...I'm hungry in anticipation. My family didn't actually discover the world of italian ice and custard until last year and wow, are we ever hooked now. This Saturday, I will be making the rounds.

Only four people (two officially since the last two didn't leave a link) have entered to win the $50.00 gift card to Baby's First Phone Call! Contest ends March 31st, so go ahead and enter at!

Diaper Swappers has changed their website. It's easier to look at and navigate and now includes a blog which *ahem* yours truly is a writer of! Yup, make sure you regularly check out my posts there and leave comments so they know I'm loved and want to pay me so I can afford that at-home Internet connection i need. ;-) My first (and only) post is about sensory based St. Patrick's Day activities for kids.

Directly from Freedom2Care:
In just a few days, the House of Representatives is expected to vote on the major healthcare bill that has been passed by the Senate. This vote is so close it may be decided by one vote—possibly the vote of your own Representative.

You can enter your opinion right now on that crucial vote by contacting your Representative and also by taking part in a 1-minute survey here:

This survey is provided by Freedom2Care (, an ad hoc coalition of 50 organizations supporting conscience rights in health care.

Contact your U.S. Representative to urge a NO vote on this radical and expensive legislation, which:
  • Fails to provide strong conscience protections for healthcare professionals.
  • Allows direct federal funding of elective abortions in community health centers.
  • Allows federal funds to subsidize health plans covering abortions.
  • Further injects the government into physician-patient decision making and the allocation of medical resources.
  • Does nothing meaningful to address malpractice reform and the "junk lawsuits" that are driving some of our best physicians—especially obstetricians and gynecologists—out of medicine.
Take action now:

1. Complete the 1-minute Freedom2Care survey here:

2. Call and e-mail your Representative's office, identify yourself as a constituent, and simply say that you are urging your Representative to vote "NO" on the Senate healthcare overhaul bill.

Contact information:

Thank you for taking action--you can help make the difference!
Freedom2Care is an ad-hoc coalition of conscience-affirming organizations.

Follow and share Freedom2Care on:
Why am I sharing this last bit of information? While Life More Simply has never taken a particular political stance before and probably won't in the future (that isn't the point of this blog), I am encouraging people to get involved in the healthcare debate going on right now. The outcome has the power to completely change the face of America, and as a mother, consumer, taxpayer, and Paramedic, I am absolutely not in favor of the proposed bill as it stands now. This topic is simply too important to NOT tell you about! Regardless of whether or not you agree with me, I encourage you to get involved and make your support or concern known to your local congressman and the white house.

1 comment:

  1. I always thought the 21st was the first day of spring !

    Neat about DS having a blog. I haven't visited there too much since I started entering blog giveaways in January !

    Pretty sure I got your link from there a while back :]


incredibly interesting comments!