Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Upcoming Valentine's Day Celebration

Valentine's Day Celebration!

Life More Simply's button

Beginning on February 1st, Life More Simply will begin telling you about unique and fabulous gift ideas for Valentine's Day. Including reviews, giveaways, and DIY projects, you won't want to miss out! The list of participating companies is growing by the day, but some of your favorites will be here, including:
Alex and Ani
The Friendship Stone
Pacific Jewlery Designs
...and MORE!

Grab the Valentine's Celebration button before the event begins, and earn an extra entry into every V-Day contest that you want! (check side bar to grab the button)


  1. I'm looking forward to it! My birthday is two days before V-Day, and I've always enjoyed all the love-centered festivities for my birthday. :-)

  2. Thanks a lot for this great opportunity! I´m also looking forward to it- and already grabbed your button:


incredibly interesting comments!