Thursday, October 7, 2010

ecoSTORE USA Laundry Liquid and Wool Wash Review

 ecoSTORE USA contacted me quite a while ago to do a review for them. After checking out their website and seeing how dedicated they are to making cleaning products (home, pet, and person) that actually live up to their claim of being natural and "green," I obviously said yes--send me some stuff to try! Like all of other reviews you're reading on here, it's way overdue. The good news for you is that during your long waiting period, their prices have lowered and they are currently running a special where if you buy any two household products, you'll receive a Pure Oxygen Whitener for free. And then there's the free shipping for orders over $25.00 which is nice, too.

This company has taken the problem of household chemicals seriously. It's worth your time to read through the information they have available on their website. Here's just a snippet of what they report (backed by research):

  • According to the American Association of Poison Control Centers accidental poisonings occur in the home every 30 seconds.
  • The National Safety Council has reported that more children under four die of from accidental poisoning than are killed by guns.
  • A report by the EPA to Congress determined household cleaners three times more likely to cause cancer than outdoor air pollution.
  • Women who work from home and are more frequently exposed to household toxins and poor air quality are 50% more likely to develop cancer.
  • Newborn infants have trace levels of toxic chemicals in their bodies, passed on by their mother’s exposure.
Makes you think...what's in your cupboard?

My favorite thing about ecoSTORE USA actually has nothing to do with their products, but with their origins. Check it out:
The original customer base of ecostore NZ was comprised of mostly ‘Greenies’ and organic gardeners. However, it was not long before testimonials from other parents (many of whom were unaware of the benefits of eco-friendly products) began to pour in with wonderful news of their children's allergies and eczema clearing up. Many noted that any respiratory issues were healing, and many lingering chronic conditions were disappearing.
WOW! Their products sound like an internal cleanse that starts on the outside! I love it. And I love that they are from New Zealand since I'm pretty sure that's where I was supposed to have been born and where I would love to visit or move to some day. :-) Enough background though. On to the review!

I chose my items based on the fact that I was almost out of laundry soap and didn't even own any wool wash to clean my ever growing stack of wool and delicate articles that were dirty. There are other products I'd love to try, too, though, like their Baby Nappy Balm, Baby Sleepy Bath, and their hair care line (I hate regular store bought hair products!).
Laundry Liquid Ingredients:
  • Palm and Coconut based non-ionic and anionic surfactants
  • Fatty acid derivative
  • Mineral hydroxide
  • Certified organic Eucalyptus oil  
My thoughts: at first, I was taken back by the small bottle and Vicks-Vapoo-Rub smell. After using it, though, I was amazed how many loads I actually got out of the bottle. You really use only a very small amount of the soap to clean a load of laundry--and your clothes just come out smelling clean (not like a medicine cabinet). The soap passed all of my tests, including that it didn't cause any colors to run, rinsed completely out (thus not requiring any softener), and didn't cause a noticeable build up on my cloth diaper stash. It's a winner! The best news is that it does all of this with only having a small number of ingredients. Simplicity is a beautiful thing in my book.

Wool Wash Ingredients:
  • Anionic and non-ionic surfactants (from glucose and coconut oil)
  • Plant based alcohol and solvents
  • Citric acid
  • Water 
I actually enjoy the smell of this wool wash. While it still has a slightly medicinal smell to it (must be those plants that do the cleaning!), it also has a fruity note to it, making it more delicate and lovely. It's a great product, making wool diaper covers and clothing that was stiff when it went into the washer soft and snuggley when it came out.  Very easy to use, doesn't require a lot to get the job done, and has great packaging to boot with a very fun photograph on the front of the bottle. Once again, I love the short ingredients list!

Check out their website to find more information or to make a purchase at!

Note: thanks, ecoSTORE USA for giving me the products for this review! No other compensation was received and though late, the opinions are all mine. :-)

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incredibly interesting comments!