Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Two BIG Secrets

I have two big secrets, and seriously, I am bursting at the seams. So instead of holding it inside me any longer, I'm going to tell ALL of you whom decide to read this blog post...

Secret #1: I received the AWESOME, all natural, best-2nd-birthday-present-EVER, "Complete Kitchen Center" from Guidecraft in the mail yesterday! This is a $370 + shipping item that I received in exchange for an upcoming review.

Okay, why am I so happy about this that I could throw up while I giggle? Because my daughter LOVES to play pretend and this is going to be her birthday present (turning two on October 31!). But it gets even better for you, because I'm going to be giving one of these away in November! WOWOWOW!

Secret #2:  I am starting my own business. Really. I can't tell you everything, but it involves organic fabrics, a hybrid diaper system, clothing for little ones, and lots of beautiful love. HOWEVER. I need two things to help get me started (well, three, including a large sum of money from any investors who may be interested!): a Snap Press, and a website designer.

Here's how you can help get me a snap press as well as win gift certificates and your choice of over $3000 worth of other prizes:

Win a $20 gift certificate towards snaps, pliers, or a press, plus your choice among over $3000 worth in prizes including Ooga Booga fabric and designer jewelry/handbags. Go to to enter.

It's very fast and easy to enter, but I really need you to put me down as your "referrer" when you enter, because if you win, then I win, too! Please write: Rachel E., lifemoresimply at for the referrer's information.

The second way you can help me get my business going is by helping me with my website. I just purchased my own domain name and will be moving this whole blog over to as soon as I get the time to figure out how to do so. I want to overhaul everything, though, and get a "shop" set up on the same domain for my business. If you do website designing, send me an email at with "website design" in the title! Since I need to pinch every penny possible, I am hoping to find a brilliant person who will do the job in exchange for some PR from me that would include permanent links for them in my shop and my blog, as well as a blog post where I rave about how wonderful you are. The first person whom I like that contacts me can have the job. Unless April from reads this and wants the job. Then she gets it because, well, she rocks.

Wow, I sure do feel better having gotten my secrets out!

1 comment:

  1. So excited for you on all of these fronts!

    Allison Leaver of Hopper Graphics does all my graphic design work, and has done all of it for trades! She is also a DiaperSwappers mama and a talented yarn-dyer: PurlyQ


incredibly interesting comments!