Monday, May 3, 2010

My Plan

Sometimes, my life doesn't go as planned, and especially if it has anything to do with a computer.


Does this happen to anyone else?

I had planned on posting every day during April. As we know, I almost made that happen, but not quite. I thank my work obligations for that one, but hey, that's what pays the bills so ya gotta let your responsibilities speak, right?

I had planned on posting a wonderfully heart warming tribute to Babylost Mama Day yesterday. Well, just in case you got online to read it--you noticed that it wasn't there! My beautiful 18-month-old daughter came down with a 103f temperature over the weekend along with some yucky poo. Yesterday evening, her right knee mysteriously began hurting and she is unable to bear weight on it again today, though her temp is down to the low 101's. :-( Needless to say, we didn't get to leave my house over the weekend so that I could use the Internet somewhere to post and turn in school assignments that were due last night at midnight. I couldn't get the computer/Internet to really work around dinner time when I tried at our house (not unusual). I waited to try again until LoveBug was asleep, then hauled my pregnant self out of bed to do my school work only to have the neighbor's wireless Internet connection not be strong enough for us to pick up, and then the computer died, too. *sigh* This stresses me out because that means a big fat ZERO on two assignments.

So today, I am at work, rushing to get things done that have got to be done today before I leave early for my midwife appointment. I am trying to figure out how I can get my school work done and praying that my teacher will somehow be gracious enough to still give me credit (unlikely--who has a story like mine?), and all the while knowing that my daughter is sick-sick-sick and I'm not the one with her. :-(

Who hands their baby off with a high temperature and leg hysteria? Me. Thankfully, she's with my R.N. mother who after having 8 children of her own is more than capable of handling a sick baby, but...I'm not the one with her. So my precious LoveBug will be going to the Dr. today with her Mimi (Grandmother). I wrote a note giving my permission for this, but really, that's a joke from any working mom. We are forced to "give our permission" to someone else every single day that we have to leave our babies. I think that's the worst thing about being a working mom--you render the control of your child to someone else and you just have to hope and pray they follow your wishes. It's funny that even the smallest things like asking your caretaker to keep a journal of what your baby eats and when she sleeps can be a big deal for them and thus some caretakers will do it and some won't. What's the big deal? Can't you understand that even if I'm not with my child, I AM STILL THE MAMA?! Who cares if I want to know how many times my daughter got her diaper changed during the day...


Okay, so here's the plan that I'm hoping to accomplish today:

1) Post the guest blog about when your birth doesn't go as you'd planned by Carrie (

2) Post about Babylost Mama day

3) Post another review and giveaway (yes, folks, we've got more baby and mama products coming!)

4) This week: take a break from new baby and mama giveaways to focus on remembering babies who have been lost and the mamas and families left behind. I'll be sharing the stories emailed to me from babylost mamas as well as doing a review of products specially designed for these mothers from Earth Mama Angel Baby.

What will really happen? Only God knows, but at least HE remains in control...and that makes me happy, despite any ridiculous situations I find myself in. :-)

1 comment:

incredibly interesting comments!