Monday, April 26, 2010

Evita Dress Review & Giveaway from A Mother's Boutique!

You've probably noticed (and hopefully clicked on) me mentioning A Mother's Boutique throughout this month. Not only have they played a big part in me being able to bring this Baby Mama Shower event to you, but they are also playing a big part in the daily life of mothers through providing a place to find high quality clothing and breastfeeding accessories for pregnant and nursing mothers as well as some cute breastfeeding advocacy wear for babies. :-) Everything from underwear and bras to swim and eveningwear for every stage of early motherhood can be found at A Mother's Boutique with free ground shipping for orders over $60.00!

Some of my favorite items include:

The Organic Nursing Hoodie for $79.00 that comes in three different colors and doesn't even look like a nursing shirt. If you've ever tried to nurse while wearing a traditional hoodie, you too know that it becomes cumbersome very easily thanks to the bulk. I'd LOVE to have a hoodie made for nursing!

The Cichlid top on sale for $47.00. It's good for both pregnancy and nursing which is a huge bonus in my eyes, and it's fun as all get out. I don't know if it'd look as good on me in real life as it does the model, but it's fun to dream. :-)
Another super fun item is the breastfeeding advocacy wear that sports slogans like "The Milk Factory" for moms and "Born to Nurse" for babies. :-) Click here to check it out.
Their Front Twist Tankini by Anne Matthew for $63.00. I was tempted to snag this for the product review, but Judy, the owner of A Mother's Boutique, asked for a photo of me wearing whatever it was I chose to review. Well, I'm thinking that me in a swimsuit right now would NOT help make people want to buy anything from her store, so as much as I want the suit, I passed it up to spare you the image. ;-) So enjoy it on Anne Matthew to the side there. She looks great in it, doesn't she?
It comes in two colors and choices of bottoms...and you just lift the empire waist part of the top to nurse! I haven't ever tried to nurse when we've gone swimming simply because my chest is always too big so my suits are too tight and, well, getting the suit on to begin with is enough trouble without tryint to nurse on top of it. Since I've never tried a nursing swimsuit, I can't tell you how well it works, but I can definitely tell you that I want to find out!

What I did get a chance to review is also made by Anne Matthew: the Evita dress in crimson. It's a simple yet elegant dress that works for both the office and a night out--and it looks beautiful both during pregnancy and after with the ability to easily nurse your baby while wearing it! All you have to do is push the V-neck part aside and whola--nursing is easy while helping to keep you covered and without stretching your dress out. I've found it very easy to get on and off (important when you're 30-weeks pregnant and have a toddler who sticks to you like glue), falls around your figure nicely, and is easy to nurse from. I would recommend choosing a size larger than you think you'll need if you're a "lumpy" sort of lady. I've managed to sprout some love handles during this pregnancy (with my daughter it was the thighs and butt, this time it's the waist...what's a woman to do?) and notice that you can definitely see them when I wear this dress. I've modeled it for my sisters and husband who swear it is really just fine, but self concious me, I would just suggest that you go with a size bigger if you don't want all of the curves highlighted. :-) That picture to the side is of me wearing the dress at 29-weeks pregnant. Cute basketball-belly, right? I really like how the dress makes the bump look cute!

The dress is made of rayon spandex but is as soft as organic cotton, so the feel is great. I find that it can work for both chilly and warm weather and drapes very nicely over a pregnant belly. For $99.00, I think it's a decent price too, considering that you can wear it during pregnancy, nursing, and afterward--and look and feel great in it at any stage! I've even worn it with a dressy pair of pants underneath and have loved that look as well. We all know how important and difficult it can be to feel pretty during pregnancy and nursing, so don't underestimate the power of a nice dress. Five colors and a wide range of sizes ensure a good fit AND a flattering color to you as well.

A Mother's Boutique also offer a selection of "sale" items including all sorts of both regular and imperfect items that you'll want to check out, as well as a nice and informative blog which I've enjoyed going through. When you place an order, please expect great customer service. Judy was a joy to work with--quick shipping, great with answering sizing questions, and just all around pleasant and knowledgable!

Buy It! Visit and use the code "BABIES" for $5.00 off your $50.00 order.

Win It! A Mother's Boutique is giving away TWO $25.00 gift certificates to their store! Each will be chosen by, so if you enter more than once, you might win both. :-) To enter, please visit and tell me what one of your favorite items in the store is and why. Be sure to leave an email address and separate comment for each entry! The winners will be chosen on or after May 7th, 2010.

Extra Entries:
  • Follow A Mother's Boutique on Twitter  or Facebook (one entry each)
  • Follow Life More Simply through Blogger/Google Friend Connect
  • Subscribe to me in a reader/Feedburner
  • Subscribe to me through email
  • Tweet about this contest with a link @LifeMoreSimply. Tweet 1x/day!
  • Follow @LifeMoreSimply on Twitter (check the sidebar link) (2 entries)
  • Become a Facebook fan of Life More Simply (check the sidebar link)
  • Blog about this contest! Tell your friends on a parenting forum! Just spread the word and tell me how you did! (1 entry per way)
  • Grab any of my buttons and put them on your blog (1 entry/each).
Note: A Mother's Boutique provided me with the Evita dress to write this review. No other compensation was received for this review and I was under no obligation to write anything positive. The opinions are all mine!


  1. You look so beautiful, that dress is so perfect for you! I love the dress and how you can use it before, during and after! What a great idea! So many of my friends are having baby's right now, I will be sure to send them this link as I know they will think it's a great idea! (and of course let them know about your blog as well so they can get lots of other tips).

  2. Hey, you totally don't need to be pregnant or nursing to use a gift certificate to this store, either. Just a hint in case YOU wanted to enter! ;-) *hugs*

  3. I really like the orange and black 3-piece active wear set. Too bad it's out of stock right now! jennahoskinson at gmail dot com.

  4. I like their nursing dress, style Kate. Its very cute and functional too! dani at tdnet dot us

  5. I follow in GFC. dani at tdnet dot us

  6. I became a facebook fan of your blog. dani at tdnet dot us

  7. I like the uganda nursing top because it's discreet and cute and I love the midnight color

  8. I follow A Mother's Boutique on twitter @skgaff

  9. I follow through google friend connect

  10. I subscribe via google reader

  11. I follow you on twitter @skgaff #1

  12. I follow you on twitter @skgaff #2

  13. Pick one favorite item? That was hard. I'm a babywearing mama, so I went to the slings. But I'm also a PG mama, so then I went to maternity. But I'm also a BFing mama, so I went to nursing items. So much to choose from... For just one thing: I think I'll say the "Milk Factory" shirt. So cute!

    mhanig AT hotmail DOT com

  14. follow on FB

    mhanig AT hotmail DOT com

  15. subscribe thru email

    mhanig AT hotmail DOT com

  16. I've had a terrible time finding a nursing bra that's sufficiently supportive--The "Supreme Nursing Bra" looks great!

  17. I love the layered loungewear seat.

  18. One of my favorite items is the Shirred Tunic (Item# 1099). I love it because it’s simple and at the same time elegant. And I love it in mauve (one of my favorite colors)!

  19. Follow A Mother's Boutique on Twitter (@spelena).

  20. Became a fan of A Mother's Boutique on Facebook (Elena Shkinder-Gugel).

  21. Subscribed to you in a reader.

  22. Subscribed via email.

  23. #1 Follow @LifeMoreSimply on Twitter (@spelena).

  24. #2 Follow @LifeMoreSimply on Twitter (@spelena).

  25. Became a Facebook fan of Life More Simply (Elena Shkinder-Gugel).

  26. Follow Life More Simply via Google Friend Connect (Elena Shkinder-Gugel).

  27. I like this

    because it seems like such a practical yet basic clothing item for a pregnant or for post labor women.

    my email is littleheathen9109 @ Yahoo dot com

  28. I now follow a mothers boutique on twitter as @forgetshyness

  29. I am subscribed to you via email as littleheathen9109 @ Yahoo dot com

  30. tweet

  31. I follow @LifeMoreSimply on twitter as @forgetshyness

  32. I have your regular button on my blog

    my email is littleheathen9109 @ Yahoo dot com

  33. I have your event button on my blog

    my email is littleheathen9109 @Yahoo dot com

  34. I think the Rosette Top is precious!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  35. I follow via Google Friend: allibrary.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  36. I am an e-mail subscriber.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  37. I like the Populus dress and I'm glad I learned about the Empire nursing top option...seems less exposing than the let-down tops, and cooler than the double-coverage ones.

    neajus hotmail com

  38. I'm a GFC follower

    neajus hotmail com

  39. Boba!

    neajus hotmail com

  40. I really like the
    100% Natural Ingredients Onesie

  41. These are great outfit choices!


incredibly interesting comments!