Friday, April 2, 2010

Baby's First Phone Call Reivew & Giveaway

Thanks to A Mother's Boutique for being a big sponsor of the Baby Mama Shower Event!
There are lots of things a parent must remember to bring to the hospital and then do after a baby is born. Most expecting mothers make lists of things having to do with birthing: what to bring to the birthing center, delivery positions, birth plans, and of course, who to call once the baby's born. Wouldn't it be nice if the last one didn't have to be done, though? If you didn't have to tell your birthing story 15 times within the first half hour of your baby being born? If you could actually RELAX?!

Well, there is a way.

Baby's First Phone Call is a company that has developed a system allowing you to tell everyone you want about your new bundle of joy without tiring yourself out and without leaving some people to find out second or third hand. The system is pretty easy according to their website:

With Baby's First Phone Call, you set up an account before your baby is born—when you still have a moment of time to yourself—and enter the names and phone numbers of all the people you want to notify when the baby arrives. Then, after the baby is born, you make a single phone call and leave a personal voice-mail message of any length with all the details you want to share.

Our system places calls to each of the phone numbers in your account. If the person answers the phone they hear your happy message. If they don't answer, the message is left on their voicemail or answering machine. In either case, there is an option for them to leave you a return message that you can pick up at your convenience.

Key Features
  • No limit on your outgoing message to friends and family.
  • Friends and family can leave you a response message.
  • Time-zone sensitive—identify delivery times for each person in your account.
  • Convenient luggage tag with our toll-free call-in number comes with every call package.
Now, my little bundle of joy is still baking, so I won't actually be able to run a full test on this product until he arrives in early July...but I've found the website very easy to navigate, an account easy to set up, and the prices pretty reasonable considering the time (and money) you're saving by not making a million phone calls! After the birth of LoveBug, I know that I don't want to make a bunch of phone calls this time, nor do I want my cell phone to be on once people find out. Not that I don't love telling the story of her birth or hearing the excitement in a friend or family member's voice, but I realize now that you're a bit tired after giving birth and it'd be nice to relax for a little while! I will definitely be using Baby's First Phone call to let people know about Monkey's birth initially and will save my individual phone calls for a few days later. :-)
Buy It! Visit to check out their packages ranging from $20-$50 or to purchase a gift certificate for someone else.
Win It! Baby's First Phone Call is giving away a $50.00 gift certificate to one of my readers! Leave me a tip on how you relax after giving birth or of what you'd like to do if you haven't ever given birth before. Be sure to include an email address and a separate comment for EACH entry you have. Contest will end May 7, 2010.
Extra Entries:
  • If you're pregnant, tell me your due date--or if you're TTC, tell me that! Either way = 1 entry.
  • Subscribe to or follow me (Blogger, Google Friend, Facebook, Twitter, etc.); each different method = 1 entry!
  • Grab either of my buttons and display them on your website.
  • Blog about this contest (3 entries)
  • Otherwise spread the word (forums, emailing, etc.) and tell me how! 
  • Tweet about this contest with a link and @lifemoresimply; 1 tweet/day/1 entry
  • Let me know if you grabbed the Baby Mama Shower button BEFORE 4/1 and get your extra entry! 


  1. After the birth of my first, my mom was here and took care of everything. That's how I relaxed :) jennahoskinson at gmail dot com

  2. currently pregnant and due april 27 jennahoskinson at gmail dot com

  3. please enter me, I'm Due 9/14/10

    dani at tdnet .us

  4. And I plan to relax with a warm cup of tea and some soft music.

    Dani at tdnet .us

  5. I think I'll want to relax by not taking visitors and trying to rest up and enjoy the baby...

    neajus hotmail com

  6. Due August 2nd

    neajus hotmail com

  7. I'm also a GFC follower

    neajus hotmail com


incredibly interesting comments!