Thursday, April 15, 2010

Amber Teething Necklace Review, Giveaway, and Discount!

A big thanks to A Mother's Boutique for being a big sponsor of the Baby Mama Shower!

Baltic Amber Teething Necklace Review, Giveaway, & Discount!
Imagine: your child teething and you don't even notice until you see a tooth that's already through the gum in her mouth. What? No crying, medication around the clock, or trying to rub Orajel onto your poor baby's gum while she tries to bite your finger off?

Baltic Amber Jewlery is the answer. Seriously, this works and all I can say is that it's like magic. "Teething Nekclaces" made from baltic amber have been used in Europe to relieve the discomfort of teething for centuries. Inspired by Finn is a US company that sells all sorts of necklaces, anklets, bracelets, etc. made from lithuanian baltic amber and hazelwood. They are a fantastic company that understands the impact of bloggers and social networking. Their customer service is quick and easy to work with, but the product itself is absolutely incredible. I have never, ever been so impressed by a product before. Since getting this necklace and using it, I can't stop telling everyone I meet about it and how they need to get one for themselves!

About Baltic Amber...(from Inspired by Finn)
Among other things, amber is a natural analgesic (pain reliever) and anti-inflammatory. When amber is worn on the skin, the warmth of the skin releases trace amounts of healing oils on the skin. Commonly known as "teething jewelry," baltic amber has been a natural and traditional European remedy for teething discomfort for hundreds of years. To read more about the many benefits of baltic amber, click here.

My Thoughts...
Due to CPSIA regulations, Inspired by Finn cannot recommend their necklaces for children under the age of 3 due to the small parts the necklaces contain. Each bead on their jewlery, though, is individually knotted on so that if in fact a necklace does break, all of the beads shouldn't roll away. I also appreciate that the string used for the necklace is designed to break with enough pressure to avoid strangulation (9-1-1 is the last number I ever want to call for my own child). If you don't like the idea of a necklace, they offer some great alternatives like anklets!

We were sent a 12" Four Different Colored Round necklace to review. I found it to be secure, well made, and to actually work. Skeptical at first (come on, did you really ever think a stone or piece of resin from a tree would make you feel better if you tied it around your neck?), we used it and actually found that it not only relieved pain symptoms but took other ones away as well like overall discomfort and inflamation. We've been using the necklace for months now, sometimes around an ankle but usually around the neck with ZERO problems whatsoever. The only thing I'd suggest is that you really take the time to measure before ordering your necklace. I guessed and the necklace is just a tad too big. It still works great, but can make it into the wearer's mouth which isn't recommended! At least we'll be able to use it for longer. ;-) Note: read the comments below for a more specific testamonial!

This is how much I believe in this product: you need to go and buy one right now for anyone with pain problems. You also need to buy an extra one to give at the next baby shower you go to. This may be the ultimate healthy, frugal, eco-friendly, and safe way to relieve pain and discomfort...and it's pretty, too!

Buy It! Visit and enter the following discount code that can be used at checkout to receive a 20% discount on anything in their store: Blog

Win It! Inspired by Finn is giving one lucky reader of mine her choice of jewlery that's 16" or smaller. To enter, visit her website and tell me which piece you'd like if you'd win. Be careful what you choose--that's what you'll be getting if you win! Leave an email address and separate comment for each entry. Contest will end May 7th, 2010 at noon, EST.

Extra Entries:

*Blog about this contest or tell people about it through a parenting forum (2 entries)

*Subscribe to or follow me (each different way = 2 entries; Blogger, Google Reader, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)

*Fav me on Technorati or otherwise vote me up somewhere

*Grab the Baby-Mama Shower button (2 entries)

*Grab my regular button (2 entries)

*Have another great idea to spread the word? Do it and tell me how you did!

This review is based on sample products provided by Inspired by Finn. No other compensation was received and I was under no obligation to give a positive review. The opinions expressed are all mine!


  1. Okay, I couldn't share the details of using this necklace with my daughter because she's only 1-year-old and that would be against Inspired by Finn's recommendation! So here's the scoop...

    We used to put Orajel on my daughter's gums and give her Tylonal every three hours or so when she was teething. She wasn't totally miserable when she had teeth coming in, but you could tell she was in pain and not too happy. We put this necklace on her as soon as we received it and before we knew it, she had two molars popping through that we didn't even know about! Since then, she's had a total of four molars and two other teeth come in...and we didn't even know any of them were coming until we saw them in her mouth! This necklace has been awesome. We primarily use it around her neck and just keep it under her clothes. I've found that if I don't call attention to it, she doesn't play with it (except for recently, she'll now put it in her mouth when she's asking for a boundary or our attention since she KNOWS she isn't supposed to do that! Like I said in the review, double check to make sure you have the correct length of necklace). I have been so thrilled with what this necklace has done for LoveBug that I plan to get another one for my son, and even for my husband and I!!!!! ~Rachel

    PS- since you made it through to the bottom of this "extra" commentary, feel free to enter the code "BalticAmber" to earn an extra entry into THIS contest (leave a comment here with your email addy and the word "BalticAmber") and also the Bag of Blessings contest!

  2. I bought one for Annie when she was teething, and it really did help. Once she had her toddler molars, we passed the necklace down to my niece. Gabe's been having an awful time with teething lately, so for Easter each of the kids got new amber necklaces from Inspired by Finn. Gabe has not had a bad teething day since, even though I can see that all four of his canines are red and bulging. No more thrashing and restless sleep, or really cranky days. I am a firm believer in the natural work of the baltic amber, and have always really liked the work and service by IBF. :-)

  3. Amber is amazing in its healing powers and not just for children. For centuries people have used amber for arthritis, respiratory infections including chronic asthma, as a stress reliever that interacts with the body's nervous system and much much more. Explore more research from the medical community and you will see some amazing results for natural Baltic amber.

  4. I'd like a youth anklet... the buttery mix is beautiful... O is teething like woah! We aren't comfortable with a necklace, but perhaps an anklet...
    CarrieLMcClain AT gmail DOT com

  5. BalticAmber!
    CarrieLMcClain AT gmail DOT com

  6. I follow via Google Reader (and general stalking) ;-)
    CarrieLMcClain AT gmail DOT com

  7. Facebook Fan!
    CarrieLMcClain AT gmail DOT com

  8. Pumpkin & Butter Round
    bureaumm at

  9. Facebook fan!
    Pumpkin & Butter Round
    bureaumm at

  10. follow via Blogger
    Pumpkin & Butter Round
    bureaumm at

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    Pumpkin & Butter Round
    bureaumm at

  12. thanks for visiting my blog - some people have had trouble with the google connect button when trying to follow today... It should be on the left side of my blog under my profile pic - let me know if you have trouble signing in - I will be doing another big giveaway when the blog reaches 100 followers:) xo Sharon

  13. black collar round
    subscribed reader - mhanig AT hotmail DOT com

  14. black collar round
    facebook fan - mhanig AT hotmail DOT com

  15. black collar round
    BalticAmber - mhanig AT hotmail DOT com

  16. I'm lovin the dark green/black round neclace
    jordenzmama AT hotmail DOT com

  17. I like the Amber DISC necklace.

    soapsbysonia at cogeco dot ca

  18. I follow your blog. #1

    soapsbysonia at cogeco dot ca

  19. I follow your blog. #2

    soapsbysonia at cogeco dot ca

  20. I follow you on twitter. #1 (soapsbysonia)

    soapsbysonia at cogeco dot ca

  21. I follow you on twitter. #2 (soapsbysonia)

    soapsbysonia at cogeco dot ca

  22. I'm a facebook fan. #1
    soapsbysonia at cogeco dot ca

  23. I'm a facebook fan. #2
    soapsbysonia at cogeco dot ca

  24. Baltic Amber!

    soapsbysonia at cogeco dot ca

  25. I tweeted your giveaway:

  26. BalticAmber

    I <3 the Nursing Necklace!

    mail at freetailtherapy dot com

    Please feel free to link this to my contest page on my blog at

  27. I love the 4 Different Round teething necklace. My son is 6 months and having a terrible time teething.

  28. I like the 3 Different Round - Elastic bracelet she has.

    dani (at) tdnet (dot) us

  29. I also follow your blog on google friend connect and like the 3 Different Round - Elastic bracelet.

    dani (at) tdnet (dot) us

  30. I like the honey pendant necklace.

  31. i would love to try the adult elastic bracelet in butter. I bought one of her necklaces for my son and i was skeptical at first, but it really has helped SO SO much! I would love to try one for myself.

  32. i follow your blog

  33. i follow your blog

  34. balticamber

  35. boba

    mhanig at hotmail dot com

  36. I'd love to win a rainbow round necklace.
    Thanks for the chance!

  37. My entry for following your blog -
    (love the rainbow round necklace!)

  38. i like the Amber DISC necklace.

    bdinunzio at hotmail dot com

  39. BalticAmber

    bdinunzio at hotmail dot com

  40. I like the light bean necklace

    neajus hotmail com

  41. GFC follower

    neajus hotmail com

  42. Boba

    neajus hotmail com

  43. Baltic Amber

    neajus hotmail com

  44. Baltic Amber

  45. I am interested in the baltic amber 'disc' children's necklace.

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