Friday, March 12, 2010

Get Involved!

Stop Sitting and Get Involved!

Check out the newest additions to the Baby-Mama Shower event starting April 1st. Snag extra entries into the contest and a chance to win a $50.00 gift card to Baby's First Phone call by spreading the word during the next week and a half!

Become a fan of Life More Simply on Facebook!

Follow me on Twitter!

Why should I do this?
All of these little things that take you a second and can only lead to happiness and fulfilment in your life actually help me bring better things to you. With each person that becomes a follower through feedburner, Facebook, Blogger, Twitter, Google Friends Connect, or anything else that I can detect, my number of readers go up. When I contact companies about doing a review and giveaway for them, they want this information! Basically, the more people that publicly read my blog, the more willing companies are to work with me and the better the liklihood that I'll bring awesome prizes to you. Besides, I really like my readers.

Some interesting statistics:
I spend around 3 hours per review/giveaway
I don't get paid for this
About 90% of the companies I contact don't ever write me back
You can make the difference!

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incredibly interesting comments!