Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Wow! I've been without the Internet for three days and do I ever have some catching up to do now! First, you may want to know that I'll be soon posting our last Valentine's Event giveaway from Gourmet Gift Baskets as well as a review from Vivabox. Check back later today (and tomorrow if I get busy here at work) to enter and read about some really unique gift ideas for Valentine's Day.

Secondly, I want to share a little secret with you...shhhhh...I have big plans in the works for two awesome things. The first will be a full month long Baby-Mama shower event in April. I've got some fantastic companies lined up for this event including Charlie's Soap, Baby's First Phone Call, Milk Paint, Snoedel, Organic Bath Plus...and many more! I'm about half way to my goal of having each day focusing on a different product, so prepare to be very, very excited once the line up is totally ready. :-) If you're a business owner or have a product that you'd like featured, be sure to email me ASAP to get in on everything! mailto:lifemoresimply@yahoo.com

The other fantastically awesome thing that will be happening in a little while is a 6-week long Organize My House! challenge. Basically, I'll be helping you get your home organized in a way that can actually be done and will be successful for even busy moms like myself (unlike FlyLady, geez). AND this will be a competition, so expect some prizes to be involved. :-D When, you ask? I'm thinking May-June, but it could be sooner.

And one last thing...To make up to my faithful "daily" readers for my lack of posting the last few days, I'm going to give anyone who reads this post a special invitation to an un-advertised contest (just to test who really reads this and who doesn't, haha). You will have just over 48-hours to enter, and it's all very simple. At 11am, EST, on February 11th, I will be getting my ultrasound for our little Monkey who's due June 30, 2010. As long as things go as planned, I'll be finding out if we're having a boy or a girl! In addition to this excitement, I finally started a Facebook Fan Page for Life More Simply (okay, not nearly as exciting as a baby, but hey). To celebrate these two milestones, I will be offering a prize package of your choice to the winner of this contest! Here's how to play:

1) Become a "fan" of LMS on Facebook (click the Facebook Fan link in the upper right hand part of this page).

2) Leave me a comment on Facebook (write on my wall) telling me if you think I'm having a boy or a girl and which prize package you want to win.

Of all of the correct entries, I'll choose one at random to win the prize! The contest will not end until I post about my ultrasound results on here. Earn an extra entry into the contest by referring a friend who also becomes a Facebook Fan. That person will need to mention that you referred them, though, or it won't count for an extra entry for you. All of the extra entries will go into the draw--you don't have to choose a gender; and there's no limit to how many people you can refer! Note: a minimum of 50 fans are needed to be able to run this contest. Any less than that, and I withhold the right to change this contest without notice.

The winner will get to choose one of the following (you must pay shipping if you're outside of the US):

Prize Package #1:  New Baby Box!
Will include some Snappi Diaper Fasteners, a HypnoBirthing "only happy birth stories--baby is listening" t-shirt (specify size and I'll do my best), laundry soap, birth announcements, small photo album, and whatever else I find that will fit into the box (let me know: boy or girl).

Prize Package #2: Happy Mama Box!
Will include a wooden massage tool kit (multiple massagers), a book, a candle, Susan G. Komen note cards, and whatever else I find that will fit into the box.

Prize Package #3: Mystery Box!
Could include any of the above as well as things like Green cleaning supplies, bath and body products, decorations, music CD's, books...the sky's the limit.

Prize Package #4: Advertising-Not-Box!
You will get a free 125x125 spot on my blog to advertise your business or blog for FREE for one whole month! *subject to my approval*

Good luck guessing and recruiting people!


  1. love your blog!!!!! so fun!!!

    come check me out also when you get a chance!

    'trendy finds and giveaway for mom and child

  2. Obviously this doesn't count as a guess since it's in the wrong spot... but I say boy! I initially thought girl, but I have a feeling maybe you're thinking boy. Since I think mamas usually know intuitively, I'll go with boy! What fun! Can't wait to find out! Have fun at your ultrasound! :-)

  3. I'm so excited to find out! I originally was convinced it was a girl, but then at about 14 weeks began REALLY feeling "boy." I've had boy dreams and seem to always refer to my child using male pronouns without even thinking about it! Either way, I'm even more excited than when I found out for LoveBug, I think. :-) I never thought I could love another child, but, geez...I'm convinced now that I'm the luckiest lady alive to be getting TWO beautiful babies!

  4. I think it's a boy. The strange thing was that I always dreamed this baby was a girl, but I was convinced it was a boy from the moment I found out I was pregnant.


incredibly interesting comments!