Monday, January 11, 2010

Prayers Needed!

Please, please join me in rocking the Heavens with prayers for my sweet little nephew, sister, and brother in law! Baby N, who just happens to be the one to make me an Aunt, was born yesterday, January 10th. He is 4 weeks premature, and didn't have trouble immediately after birth. A little while after birth, however, he began to have trouble breathing. Gasping, hiccuping, grunting, and continued whimpering led the doctor's at this military hospital to whisk my sister's new baby boy away from her to do testing.

Later that day, Baby N was flown to a hospital an hour's drive away, leaving my sister alone in the hospital with no baby and no answers. Her husband went to be with their baby, who was intubated and sedated for the flight.

Today, my sister was released early from her hospital so that she can be with her son who is now in a NICU. He has since been extubated and is in an oxygen enriched incubator in a private NICU room. The doctor's have still not given a firm prognosis or diagnosis regarding Baby N, though they did find a heart murmor (which we aren't real worried about since that's fairly common). He was unable to nurse due to all of this, and was apparently not given any nutrition at all until the hospital staff put a nasogastric tube in this morning around 2 AM (about 16 hours after his birth). He is now breathing on his own, but continues to be under some sedation while still grunting periodically.

My sister and brother in law are litteraly 20 hours away from where all of our family lives. My parents were able to fly out to be with them last night, but my sister was all alone until today as her husband went to be with the baby.

Specific prayer needs:

1) Peace, comfort, and joy to surround my sister and her husband.

2) Swift and miraculous recovery, healing, and development for Baby N.

3) Wisdom and knowledge to be had by the medical staff to quickly and accurately diagnose and treat Baby N.

4) Swift and complete healing for my sister. She underwent a not so nice labor and delivery, and the medical staff exacerbated some of the situations. Since she won't be able to rest much, now, she is especially in need of a quick healing.

5) For Baby N to learn to nurse even though the golden "window of opportunity" has passed by.

6) For any feelings of guilt to be removed, and for a strong bond to form between mommy, daddy, and baby!

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart for your prayers around the world. I so wish that I had the money to fly out and be with my sister right now, but the next best thing I can offer to her is knowing that many people are holding her new family up to the God of all healing and comfort right now. Please feel free to share any comments for their family below, and I will make sure that they receive them.


  1. You and your family and definitely in my prayers. I wish you could be there with your sister for both her sake and yours. May God be with them and guide all involved to make the best decisions and take care of that little guy!

  2. Hey hun, I was just wondering how things are going now. Your family's been on my heart and in my prayers. Is he out of the woods yet? I'd love an update.


incredibly interesting comments!